When FUUUN was being created, it was at the peak of the Covid fear: Exponential growth in cases, conflicting news opinions, uncertainty permeates...
It was a strange time to start anything new. But it was also the best time to start anything new. Because the rules no longer worked, the norm was shuffled. What we took for granted is no longer there.
We started the FUUUN Project, through which we wished to create a mobile space that allows people to free those living in the cities from the compression of the lock-down, where many families were suffering from either conflict or separation, sometimes both.
It is in this context that we started thinking about the approach to our brand, and the manifestation of that into goods. The story behind naming of our brand by Toryo-san is here. As for the goods, I took the chance to put on my artist's hat, and created which we created two:
The Tenugui and The Postcard.
The Tenugui
Tenugui is a somewhat 'legendary' item. A simple piece of cloth that, with the magical touch of Japanese creativity and diligence, can clean or carry, pamper or protect.
For this item, we had the honour to collaborate with the famous Tenugui maker Kamawanu. In the process I too got to learn about the many dyeing techniques and their respective effects.
As for the patterns, I sourced the weather data of the Fuji-san area and used the daily averaged 'cloud coverage'. with 7 columns, 52 rows, each side represented one year of data. small dot represented few clouds, thus a Sunny day, where as a big dot represented a cloudy or rainy day.
Each dot is slightly displaced from its centre and that direction represents the wind direction in the morning of that day.
The convergence of the weather data mixed with the traditional Mameshibori pattern created an effect that is at once 'traditional' as well as 'contemporary'.
Such is the essence of FUUUN.
パターンについては、富士山地域の気象データを入手し、日平均の「雲量」を使用しました。 7列52行で、各辺は1年間のデータを表しています。小さな点は少数の雲を表しています。したがって晴れた日であり、大きな点は曇りまたは雨の日を表しています。

The Postcard
It is not difficult for one to recognise the graphics as a topographic map. Upon deeper thoughts, one might also realise that this is the view of the beloved-Mt-Fuji, from above – or shall we say, the perspective of the clouds. We see numerous images of Mt. Fuji from all around, from Shizuoka, from Yamanashi, even all the way from Tokyo on a clear day; but we don't often see the beauty of the landscape, the intricacies of wrinkles and creases around the so very symmetrical natural work of art.
The map is stripped down to only the topographic lines, removing all human additions, from roads to buildings, to naming and labels. By doing so, it is to remind ourselves that the earth was pure and peaceful, with or without our interventions.
That said, the human invention of mapping itself is a feat to be celebrated, and celebrating it we are.

In the age of climate change, the age of artificial intelligence, the meaning of humanity is certainly to change. These two pieces of word, in very humble and subtle ways, reminds us of the beauty of nature, and the brilliant culture we – not as individuals, but as a civilisation – have accumulated.
And that's the story behind these two seemingly abstract patterns, as the first version of FUUUN Goods.
If you are interested in purchasing any of these limited items, please contact us: xo@fuuun.no
そしてそれが、FUUUN Goodsの最初のバージョンとして、これら2つの一見すると抽象的なパターンのバックグラウンドにあるストーリーです。
これらの限定アイテムの購入に興味がある場合は、xo@fuuun.no までご連絡ください。